
  • John 5:24: Part One - The Burden of Legal Righteousness

    by Evangelist Frank Tyler

    I. Introduction

    Nicodemus, a Pharisee and teacher of Israel (John 3:1-21), a woe-begotten Samaritan adulteress (4:4-26), an entire village of Samaritans accounted as a whitened harvest (John 4:28-42), and a nobleman from Cana pleading for his son’s life (John 4:46-53)—Jesus’ disciples, themselves a motley group of whoevers (John 1:35-51), witness the power of Jesus’ loyal covenantal or promissory love poured out freely on an ever-widening array of unrepentant whoevers under the most unpredictable of life circumstances. Each of these individuals comes to Jesus and believes in Him as the Christ, the Son of God and in His promise of eternal life; each of these individuals receives the very thing our Lord promises to whoever believes in Him—eternal or everlasting life.